Alfredo...Don't blame me.
Your wife told me to bring your lunch.
Give it here!
l told my mother
you didn't give me the film.
lt wasn't your fault.
l thought it was a joke
when you talked about film catching fire.
l just wanted to tell you this.
Now l'll go.
Toto! Come here. Come on, come sit down
Listen. l got into this business
at the age of ten.
Back then we didn't have fancy machines.
Movies were silent.
You turned the projector
by hand with a crank
The whole day! And it was hard,
that damn crank.,.
lf you got tired and slowed down a bit...
Voom! Everything burned.
So why don't you teach me?
Now that there's no crank, it's easy.
Because l don't want to.
This is no job for you.
You're like a slave and always alone.
You see a film 100 times.
There's nothing else to do.
You talk to Garbo and Tyrone Power
like a loonybird.
You work like a mule.
Even holidays - Easter, Christmas.
You only get Good Friday off.
And if they hadn't stuck Christ
on a cross,
we'd work then, too.
So why don't you change jobs?