Because l'm a nitwit.
Who else around here could run
a projector? Nobody.
Only an imbecile like me.
l never had any luck.
l grew up during the war.
And l'm still living in one.
So, you want to be
a stick-in-the mud like me?
Good for you! Toto!
l only tell you for your own good.
You're cooped up here, suffocating
in the summer, freezing in the winter,
breathing fumes,
and you earn chicken feed.
But you like this job, don't you?
Oh, it grows on you.
Sometimes you hear the house
full of people giggling and laughing,
then you're happy, too.
lt makes you feel good to hear them.
Like you're the one
who made them laugh...
made them forget their troubles.
That part l like.
You wouldn't understand.
What are you up to?
You pretend to listen,
then you fool around!
Your mother's right! You're a devil!
How'd he do it? He learned by watching?
Toto! Listen you!
l'll tell the manager not to let you in!
And l'll see Father Adelfio!
No more altar boy! Finished!