Oh, can you come with me to see
Kevin´s principal on Monday?
Oh, l love it when you talk to me
about school and meetings.
- Now talk to me about shopping.
- l know. l´m sorry.
l just remembered now.
l´ve been meaning to ask you.
Fine. l´ll be there.
What´s the matter?
Nothing. l was
a little tense before, but--
No, l mean with Kevin.
Why are we going to see his principal?
Oh, because his teacher said
he´s been making that face again.
Oh, what, this?
Yes, the tense face.
He makes that same face
at Little League.
- You know what his teacher asked me?
- What?
lf we´d ever taken him
for a psychiatric evaluation.
- What?
- She was just asking.
Why? Because he makes a face?
Has she ever looked in the mirror?
Well, you know, the face,
the crying, the nervousness.
- They mentioned the crying?
- Yeah.
You know, he doesn´t really
finish his work.
Hey, we´ll talk to them on Monday.
Don´t worry.
l´m sure he´ll be fine.
Come here.
Where was l?
- Was l here?
- Yeah.
- l was there already?
- Mm-hmm.
That really pisses me off.
The kid needs a little
more attention...
so the teacher´s gonna put
a label on him: ''problem kid.''
Let´s find out who Kevin´s teacher
is gonna be next year...
and make sure it´s not
one of these hysterics!
You´re right, Gil.
Kevin´s great.