He can´t be that much of a problem.
Right. Now, if it was
my sister´s kid--
There´s a kid with problems.
Hi, Garry.
You´re up so early.
- Where are you going?
- Out.
- What´s in the bag?
- Nothing.
The whole family´s coming tonight.
There´s a big surprise.
Grandma and Grandpa
are gonna be here.
Uncle Gil and Aunt Karen
are bringing their kids.
Aunt Susie´s gonna be here
and Uncle Nathan and their kids.
lt was nice talking to ya.
- Hey, Julie.
- Yeah?
- Can l come in for a minute?
- Yeah.
l really need your help.
The whole family´s coming tonight.
- Could you just give me a hand?
- Yeah, in just a few minutes.
Are you all right?
l heard you moaning last night.
l had a stomachache,
but it´s fine now.
- You hate me?
- What?
For making you study so much
and giving up all your dates.
No, you were right.
Honey, l´m telling you,
those SAT scores are your ticket.
And, sweetie,
once you get to school...
you´re gonna meet a lot of guys
you like just as well as that Tod.
Why do you always say ''that Tod''?
lt sounds so--
You´re right. l´m sorry.
lt´s been pleasant for a moment.