
We can record our love.
Susan? Hi, sis. lt´s Helen.
Did l loan you my big platter?
Great. Would you bring it tonight?
l just need it to serve.

Listen, Julie got 1291
on her SAT´s.

l know.
l feel so proud of her.

lt´s great. How´s Patty?
We´re a little disappointed
with the effort...

she´s been giving
lately towards her work.

Math, French,
everything´s gone downhill.

Nathan´s talking to her right now.
He´s trying to figure out
what´s wrong.

Look, Patty,
all l´m saying is...

if you want to have
just an ordinary academic career...

and attend an ordinary university,
that´s your prerogative.

But l must tell you, l think
you´re selling yourself way short.

- How´s it going?
- l don´t know.

Sometimes l feel as though
we want it more than she does.

Patty, you know we love you.
Could you just give your father
that extra effort he´s looking for?

Okay, Mama.
That´s all l ask.
Come on, Kevin. l got you.
l want that, Kevin.
- Time to come in now, children.
- Hi, Grandma.

Hey, you want to--
- Grandma.
- Gil, you have a good memory.

Was it yours or Helen´s
or Susan´s wedding l got drunk at?

lt was all three, Dad.

At which one
did l punch the bandleader?

That was mine.
We have photos.

l´m having them blown up
for the commitment hearings.

You think he´s funny, huh?
He wasn´t this funny as a kid.

Stayed in his room all day.
You were a moody son of a bitch.
