
''The Penal Colony'' by Franz Kafka.
Patty a doctor yet?
Mock if you will.
All right.
Our children are more capable of
absorbing information than we are...

yet we insist on treating them
like adorable little morons.

Are you saying Patty
can learn things l can´t learn?

Patty, which one of these...
is the square root of 8,649?
They´re like sponges, Gil,
just waiting to absorb.

l want this.
You see?
Take my advice.
Forget about Kevin and Taylor.

lt´s too late.
Work on Justin.

Actually, Justin is quite bright. ln his
preschool class, he was the only--

Slow down, Justin.
l´ll get you some dip.

You remember that guy you went out
with in college, Jeffrey Sanders?

He always chased me out of the room
when he came over.

- Oh, yeah.
- l saw him today.

- God, what a loser, huh?
- ln a Rolls.

l meant me.
What is that?
Oh, Nathan and Patty and l
are ''power eating.''

We bring our own food everywhere.
Nathan turned me on to it,
and l never felt better.

- Where do you get that stuff?
- This is it.

Everybody in the living room.
This is the big surprise.

Oh, Larry!
My baby!
- You look great. Dad!
- Oh, hi, son.
