Well, l´m glad to know
it´s not a job.
lt´s that Tod, isn´t it?
There´s one where you can see his face.
Does it bother you that l did those
things or that l did them with Tod?
Gee whiz, Julie. There´s so many things
that bother me about this...
l don´t know how to separate them.
Whoo! Here´s something
for my wallet.
Tod is very important to me.
And we´ve got the pictures
to prove it.
- Mom.
- This is your room.
You did these things
right here in my house?
Well, l thought someone in
this house ought to be having sex.
l mean, with something
that doesn´t require batteries.
What did you say to me?
Goddamn it! You get back here!
Open this door!
Goddamn it to hell!
l would just like a little respect!
Not a lot, just a little!
Do you know why l´m having sex
with machinery?
Because your father left to have a party
and l stayed to raise two kids!
l have no life!
Goddamn it!
What are you doing?
l´m leaving before we say things
we´ll regret.
You´re gonna say something worse
than the battery remark?
Tod and l are in love.
lt´s not ''going steady'' love.
lt´s love.
l need him. He´s my life.
He touches me, and l quiver.
Oh, would you give me
just a small break?
See? You can´t handle it.
Tod´s working now. We´ll find
a place to live somewhere.
- Hi, Garry.
- Hi.
- l´m moving out, Garry.
- Bye.
You´ve upset your brother!
Julie, l´m telling you...
if you walk out of this house,
don´t ever think about coming back.