They say that...
and then they come.
Honey, what can you expect
from a kid like that?
Mom, back off. The last guy
you dated stole our furniture.
- Men are scum.
- l know.
l know, sweetie.
Men are scum.
- Honey, Julie´s home.
- Great.
Come on. Let´s go eat
lots of ice cream.
You want an ice-cream soda?
How about a hot fudge sundae?
You want a banana split?
Do you want something
like french fries?
- Yes.
- You do?
l thought l´d find you here.
Does that make you Sherlock Holmes?
l live here.
You live with me.
l wouldn´t live with you...
if the world were flooded with piss
and you lived in a tree.
l´m going to the movies.
You´re not leaving here
till you hear what l have to say.
l´m not--
Let go of me!
- Let her go!
- Just listen to me.
Let her go!
Goddamn it! Let her go!
Please, Mrs. Buckman.
l love her.
You can´t run out on me.
You´re my wife.
lf you don´t let her go,
l´m gonna call the-- His what?
His wife. We got married
a couple of days ago.
Are you out of your mind?
Please, Mrs. Buckman.
Julie, l didn´t mean it.
l´m sorry.