Pet Sematary

Daddy, look,
this one's a gold fishy.

That's right, Ellie.
They wasn't all killed
by the road,

especially the ones
back from my childhood.

They get older as you go
towards the middle.

Harder to read.
Missy Ellen, come
over here just a minute.

That's where I buried
my dog Spot

when he died in 1924.
:12:32 you know
what a graveyard
really is?

Well, I guess not.
It's a place
where the dead speak.

No, not right out loud.
Their stones speak
or their markers.

This ain't
a scary place, Ellie.

It's a place of rest
and speaking.

Can you remember that?
Yes, sir.
Hi, babe.
Daddy, what if
Church dies?

What if he dies and has to go
to the pet cemetery?

Honey, Church
will be fine.

No, he won't.
Not in the end.

In the end
he's going to croak.

Lovey, Church
might still be alive

when you're
in high school,

and that's
a very long time.

It doesn't
seem long to me.

It seems short.
I'd let Church
live to be 100,

but I don't
make the rules.

Well, who does?
God, I suppose.
He's not God's cat,
he's my cat.

Let God get His own
if He wants one.

Not mine.
Not mine!
