[telephone rings]
When you talk
to them,
not one word
about what we done tonight.
What did we do
tonight, Jud?
What we did, Louis,
was a...
secret thing.
Women are supposed
to be the ones
who are good
at keeping secrets.
Any woman who knows anything
will tell you
she's never seen
into a man's heart.
The soil of a man's
heart, Louis,
is stonier,
like the soil
up there
in the old Micmac
burying ground.
Goldman residence.
Hi, Dory.
It's, uh, Louis.
You want to talk
to your daughter?
Yeah. That would
be real fine.
Hi, Daddy.
Hi, baby.
How's everything
in Chicagoland?
Grandma and Grandpa
gave me lots of neat things.