I could use a little help.
This is so wrong.
Stand aside.
It makes a really good hiding place.
It kind of reminds you of going
to the drive-in movie, doesn't it?
Parking in the woods...
listening to the crickets off in the distance.
- The howling of the wolves...
- Will you shut up?
The baying of the dogs.
You just have to play
that little-girl-lost routine, don't you?
"I'm just a fugitive felon.
"That doesn't mean I'm not feminine.
"I just need a strong man to help me.
"I guess that makes me
like a Cosmo fugitive."
Buddy. Look, I asked you for a favour.
You said okay.
You don't have to go making fun of me.
I'm through taking shit from men.
That's one thing we have in common.
Because I'm through
taking shit from men, too.