Mme Kao. lt's mine.
Your letter!
But you don't live here.
l used your letterhead.
Throw her out.
Mr. Manager, l'm in dire
need of the letter.
Please give it to me, please.
Please give it to me.
l was wrong in using
your letterhead.
l won't do that again.
Stop it. ls there a letter for her?
There was but l returned it.
No, that letter is non-returnable.
The boy has mailed it.
My letter! My letter!
How can it get so?
Go back to your work.
Nothing. Sorry.
l found it.
Thank you.
Nothing now.
Thank you.
You're fixed all.
l am going for tea,
to shake hands
with some local bosses.
No problem but l can't
speak for my boss.
He doesn't seem to be a bad egg.
You claim to know him
better than l?
The Cantonese are
proverbially dishonest.
And you are...?
The most honest Cantonese.
Remember, morning tea.
l better go now.