Behave yourself.
Come down.
Ho's coming up with two men.
Mr. Kuo, urgent phone call.
l'm taking a call
Mr. Kuo.
Chief Detective Ho is coming up.
He's coming up.
Now what?
That's you.
You forgot we had business outside.
They called to remind you.
l forgot. Make yourselves at home.
He's always so busy.
ls he.
Get a suit over.
What's going on?
Ho is coming up.
Chief Ho?
Over there.
lt's yours.
Hold it.
Follow him, fast.
Mr. Ku.
l'll be back very soon.
One look, you must be Mr. Ku.
Sharp eyes, you must be Chief Ho.
Your humble servant, Mr. Ku.
Why didn't you meet the boat?
l came. l'll explain later.
l'm leaving. Let's talk outside.
Everything OK now.
You two are...?
My assistants.
You two keep an eye at the door.
Another hurdle overcome!
Tiger's coming and
you're scattered all over.
l'm as troubled as you.
You taught me how to
dress, walk, speak,