What should be your answer?
Do you admit to
living on prostitution...
protection money, gambling
and money sharking?
But you have this to tell them.
Don't understand.
l am here.
Told you they must not carry guns.
l told them.
Ask again who's armed.
Who else's got the gun on him?
Please put your guns away.
Why do you pack guns?
Come here.
Then the Ho clan is poorer
by 10,000 shares.
l am being very fair.
Let me get the shares.
Count them.
No need.
Thank you.
Never mind.
When did the two reporters leave?
l brought them along.
One thing after another.
l didn't notice when they left.
Sign here.
Mr. Ku, anything else?
How about tonight's party?
No problem.
Who is he?
Mr. Ku, the Shanghai magnate.
The richman Ku?
Thank you.
Thank you, Mr. Ku.
You really took care of me.
Not at all.
Since l came here,
you took me around for days.
l must repay you.
How much do l owe you?
lt's quite trivial.
No, no. Here's $2,000 for tea.
So much money.
Pocket it. lt's chicken feed to me.
But quite a bundle to you.
Remember, sell the shares
when they're double.