It's not my fault the cops are stupid.
What do you want from me?
You're right.
You're always right.
Not this way.
They have to do it.
Let's just say I heard about you
and Lt. Cardoza not getting along.
It's just that I worked for him
for three years...
during which he tried
to get me thrown off the force.
- Yeah? Did he have a good reason?
- Yeah, he's a rat bastard.
No shit. Also a pretty goddamn good cop.
Sure. All you old farts stick together.
Hey, wise guy. I'm tired of
all this bullshit about an old man.
Go find a younger fucking partner.
- Bill, I'm sorry.
- Balls.
Look, give me a break.
I don't wanna be jerk-off Number 9.
Come on.
- How's it going?
- How's it look, gramps?
- What did you say?
- You're a little testy there, aren't you, man?
I'd like to meet the brain donor
who came up with this bullshit idea.
You're looking at him.
You don't like it, kiss my ass.
All right, come on. Girls, easy!