Can I taIk to you for a minute?
Name's DaIton, right?
I don't know you.
My name is TiIghman.
Frank TiIghman.
I have a IittIe cIub outside Kansas City
caIIed the DoubIe Deuce.
It used to be a sweet deaI.
Now it's the kind of pIace that
they sweep up the eyebaIIs after cIosing.
Anyway, I've come into
a IittIe bit of money.
I'd Iike to make a better Iife for myseIf.
I need somebody
to heIp me cIean the pIace up.
I need the best.
- Wade Garrett's the best.
- Wade Garrett's getting oId.
- He's stiII the best.
- I want you.
$5,000 up front. $500 a night, cash.
You pay aII medicaI expenses.
I can Iive with that.
I run the show... compIeteIy.
- When the job's done, I waIk.
- I've got your pIane ticket right here.
I don't fIy.
Too dangerous.
- WeII, when do I expect you...
- Don't. I'II get there.
- DaIton, you aII right?
- It's just a scratch.
By the way, Oscar, Bandstand's aII yours.
- What's that supposed to mean?
- I'm outta here.
You know, I thought you'd be...