Hey, how'd you Iike to teII us
what the fuck's goin' on?
- You gonna heIp us out or not?
- I'II Iet you know.
I heard you had baIIs big enough
to come in a dump truck, but...
..you don't Iook Iike much to me.
Opinions vary.
Cody. Later.
- AII right, man. You take care.
- See you guys.
This DaIton, what's his story?
The story is you fuck with him
and he'II seaI your fate.
Yeah? So far he hasn't shown me shit.
She's a runner.
(woman on tannoy)
You have a customer on line two.
- These work?
- Sure do.
Jimmy, you have a customer
waiting for you on the lot.
Jimmy, you have a customer on the lot.
I'II take it.