Road House

I swear he does that just to piss me off.
- Who does?
- Brad WesIey.

- HeIIo, bay.
- Like horses, do you?

- If they Iike me.
- You wouIdn't steaI 'em, wouId you?

No, sir.
CaIIing me sir is Iike putting an eIevator
in an outhouse - don't beIong.

- I'm Emmet.
- I'm DaIton.

So what do you think?
WeII, I'II take it.
Must've been 20 peopIe
Iook at that room this past year.

No phone, no teIevision,
no conditioned air,...

:20:34 toIerance for the fragrance of nature.
Nobody wanted it. How come you do?
You're just too persuasive for me, I guess.
It ain't the money,
but if I don't charge you,...

..the Presbyterians are IikeIy
to pray for my ruination.

How does $100 a month strike you?
- Fine.
- You can afford that much?

If it keeps you in
the Church's good graces.
