I swear he does that just to piss me off.
- Who does?
- Brad WesIey.
- HeIIo, bay.
- Like horses, do you?
- If they Iike me.
- You wouIdn't steaI 'em, wouId you?
No, sir.
CaIIing me sir is Iike putting an eIevator
in an outhouse - don't beIong.
- I'm Emmet.
- I'm DaIton.
So what do you think?
WeII, I'II take it.
Must've been 20 peopIe
Iook at that room this past year.
No phone, no teIevision,
no conditioned air,...
..no toIerance for the fragrance of nature.
Nobody wanted it. How come you do?
You're just too persuasive for me, I guess.
It ain't the money,
but if I don't charge you,...
..the Presbyterians are IikeIy
to pray for my ruination.
How does $100 a month strike you?
- Fine.
- You can afford that much?
If it keeps you in
the Church's good graces.