- But DaIton said...
- Trust me. This way, girIs.
- Leaded or unIeaded?
- Leaded.
- "(glass smashes)"
- "(woman)" Hey!
Hank. Hank!
- Come on, darIin'!
- Hey, paI, get her down. What d'you say?
I say Iet her dance.
Wa-hoo! Come on, baby!
Hey, Iook, paI, we don't...
- Come on, motherfucker.
- Stay back!
Come on, motherfucker.
Escort this gentIeman to the door.
- Did you see that shit?
- Yeah.
"(woman)" Who is that guy?
He is good. He is reaI good.
The name is DaIton.
(applause and cheering)
Oh, yeah! You're gonna be my
reguIar Saturday-night thing, baby.
Oh, yeah. I've been thinkin' about you.
Yo, Steve.
You're history.
But I'm on my break.
Stay on it.