- Red!
- Yeah?
What happened? Did you get robbed?
Every week.
So what does he take?
- Who?
- Brad WesIey.
Ten per cent - to start.
Oh, it's aII IegaI Iike. He formed
the Jasper Improvement Society.
AII the businesses in town beIong to it.
Everybody pay?
Does a hobbyhorse have a wooden dick?
(# ''Mustang Sally'' #)
"(man screams)" Charge!
- Come back here.
- Take it easy, Rambo.
I know you wanna save the worId from
commies, but do it from down here, man.
- Squirt him.
- Hose him down.
CooI him off.
- Garrett!
- Yo!
Some guy name of DaIton.
- What's going on, "mijo?"
- Hey, hey. How you doin', buddy?
Shit! HeII, kid, I'm in hog heaven.
If I was doin' any better
I couIdn't Iive with myseIf. And you?
- I'm aII right.
- "You oughta be, all that money you make."