- What's going on down in Jasper?
- Oh, you know. New town, same story.
Um, Iisten.
You ever heard of a guy
named Brad WesIey?
No, can't say that I have.
You having troubIe?
Oh, you know. Nothing I'm not used to.
But it's amazing
what you can get used to, huh?
Yeah, teII me about it.
This pIace has a sign over the urinaI
that says ''Don't eat the big, white mint.''
- Stay cooI, kid.
- Right.
Gotta go. I'II see ya.
(# ''Knock on Wood'' #)
# Ooh! I don't wanna Iose the good thing #
# That I got #
# Cos if I did, I wouId sureIy #
# SureIy Iose a Iot #
# For your Iove is better... #
Why won't you Iook me in the eye?
I'm shy.
WouId you be shocked if I said
''Let's go to my pIace and fuck''?
Ain't gonna kiII you.
You know, you might even Iike it.
Say good night, Denise.
Bastard! Let go!