Road House

Are you aIways better than they are?
- Pretty much.
- Never been put down?

No. Not reaIIy.
How do you expIain that?
Those Iooking for troubIe are not much
of a probIem to someone ready for them.

- I suspect it's aIways been that way.
- "(creaking)"

Somebody has to do it.
Somebody's gotta pay somebody to do it.
Might as weII be you.
I'd better take you home.
If I keep taIking, you're gonna
go off thinking I'm a nice guy.

I know you're not a nice guy.
Pretty soon I'm gonna have
to start charging that bum rent.

Tonight's rent.
(man burps)
- Your fan cIub?
- They are devoted.

You Iive some kind of Iife, DaIton.
Too ugIy for you.
