The factories all shutting down?
This isn't my interview yet.
This is my time for enjoyment.
All kinds of important people showed up
to march in the parade...
like the governor of Michigan,
James Blanchard.
How do you feel about General Motors
closing up these factories in Flint?
It's tragic.
Do you think
we need another sit-down strike?
That won't do any good.
That's the problem.
Is this a great time for a parade?
I think so, too. Let's have a fun time!
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How could you have a parade
for the founders...
without inviting the current president
of the United Auto Workers, Owen Bieber?
I don't know that
we need another sit-down strike per se.
A sit-down strike today
would not necessarily resemble...
or be able to bring about
the same thing that it did in 1937.
The union is getting weaker.
We're losing power.
Why? Because there's
too many guys in the union...
that are friends with the management.
Some plants that are announced
to be closed obviously will be closed.
We have to accept the reality
that they're just not going to remain open.
I think that with the spirit here...
Flint will continue not only to survive,
but will continue to grow.
Some people know what time it is.
Some people don't.
Miss Michigan, could we talk to you
for one second?
Your face looks familiar. Was this
when you caught me on the road?
Yes, back in the parade. How does it feel
driving through Flint, Michigan, today...
and so many people being laid off,
so many plants being shut down?