- Does he come here often?
- I really don't know.
- Is he a member here?
- He is a member.
But you don't know if he's been here?
We don't keep track of our membership.
You'll have to leave the club, sir.
- It is a private building.
- You'd know if he...
- Sir, we'll have to ask you to leave.
- I just want to find out...
Sorry, you'll have to leave the club.
Call General Motors. Check with them.
We have called GM. We can't get in there.
If you can't get in there, you can't
get in here. Would you mind leaving?
- We could just wait.
- No, you can't.
They say you must leave the building, sir.
You have to step outside.
We'll come back.
I'll be right here.
They told me to take you outside.
You may wait outside. If he comes in,
you can interview him outside.
You may not interview him in here.
You don't remember the last time
he was here?
- That means nothing.
- When the chairman of GM is in here?
That doesn't impress me.
It doesn't impress you?
The chairman of GM?
The chairman of General Motors is just
another member of our organization.
He's an important individual, but no more
important than any other member.
I wasn't having much success
bringing Roger to Flint.
The mayor, though, was having better luck
with an even higher authority.
He paid TV evangelist
Robert Schuller $20,000...
to come to Flint and rid the city
of its unemployment plague.
Tough times don't last,
but tough people do.
Thousands filled the city's hockey arena
to hear his message of hope.
Pull your way out of poverty!
You won't pull your way
from poverty to prosperity...
until you realize you have to be
humble enough to say, "I need help."
By then what happens is
you can turn your hurt into a halo.