I knew you'd rather have a Buick.
See you later.
Who's to blame
for what's happened in Flint?
I don't think it's anybody's fault.
In a free society,
in a capitalistic, democratic society...
things do change.
There are shifts and trends.
I'm sure General Motors
doesn't have any desire...
to either close down a plant
or put people out of work.
The key becomes the attitude.
Folks wind up saying, ''It was
the best thing that happened to me...
''when my job at the plant phased out.
I was only gonna go so far at the plant.
''Now I've got my own business,
whatever it is.''
It's maybe no accident...
that the Amway business, for one,
is in aid of Michigan...
offering anybody, for very little money,
a chance to start earning dollars...
having their own store in their home.
If you have a dream, and you
go after your dream, you can do it.
If you do it full-time,
you can really make good money.
You can make a lot of money off of these.
Janet was one of hundreds of
Flint's citizens who had taken Pat's advice.
Although her husband
was still working at GM...
she'd seen many of her friends laid off,
and didn't want to take any chances.
She'd been the founder and host
of Flint's feminist radio show.
Now she was a distributor for Amway.
Color is my main love.
I got color-analyzed myself a couple
of years prior to learning color consulting.
As soon as I found out
what season I was...
it changed my outlook. I went around
draping everyone with my eyes.
I really wanted to get into this business.
It was exciting to me.
About 80 percent of the world's population
is winter or summer.
Blacks, Jews, Italians
most often are winters.