The transaction from assembly work
and the fast pace at Taco Bell...
Some of them
just couldn't develop that speed.
There's a number of small manufacturing
companies that have done very well.
One I like to look at is Helmac Co.
Are you familiar with them?
They invented a lint roller.
Now they ship lint rollers
all over the world...
and have a very profitable,
nice business operating.
Maybe there's a...
- There's all kinds of opportunities...
- Tom, wait a minute.
Lint rollers?
That's the solution to an auto industry...
That's an example.
A giant auto industry
that had its birthplace here in Flint?
Lint rollers will pull us
out of this depression?
There's as much opportunity here...
as when Billy Durant started
the motor company on Water Street.
Maybe more opportunities.
- You believe that?
- Yes, I do. Absolutely.
I saw the sign down on the street...
that said you're selling
rabbits and bunnies here?
- For sale?
- You want pets or meat?
Pets or meat?
Meaning I can buy the bunnies
to have as a pet...
or I can buy them for...
Meat. They're already dressed
and cleaned.
I butcher the babies
when they are four or five months old.
That's good.
If you butcher the older ones,
like these guys...
then they're stewers. They're not fryers.
A lot of people like fryers
better than they do the stewers.
- That makes sense.
- So I keep my personal stock.
When my babies get four or five
months old, and I have 15 to 20 babies...
you've got to get rid of them some way.