If they don't sell as pets,
you got to get rid of them as meat.
Them guys are all meat.
- See, they start doing this to each other.
- What's that?
Peeing on each other and stuff like that,
when they get older.
If you don't have separate cages for them,
then they start fighting.
Then the males castrate the other males.
They do. They chew their balls right off.
Then you have a bloody mess.
That's why you got to butcher them
when they're a certain age...
or you have a heck of a mess.
I'm on social security.
The only other income I have
is my rabbits...
for groceries, bills, and my dogs.
I also raise Doberman pinschers.
Because sometimes
I only make $10 to $15 a week...
but that's better than nothing. At least
I can buy $10 to $15 worth of groceries.
'Cause you only get paid once a month
from social security...
and that's not very much.
It's really popular.
A lot of people come down here.
Usually some people come down.
They're only open on Mondays, Tuesdays,
Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.
Saturday and Sunday, they're closed.
On the holidays, they get...
like, $1 to $2 bonus here and there.
If you're doing this every day,
isn't your arm filled with needle marks?
They only keep it in one certain spot.
You keep it right there. Doesn't look bad.
I take some rubbing alcohol
to get the scar tissue to heal up.
Can we see it?
I only do it in my right arm.
It's not so bad.
They only do it in a certain place,
in a certain spot.
It's right here.
They don't track it up.
They only do it in two places.
No! My baby!
Oh, God!
Flint is best known
for its principal industry.