She tried to fight them off
with all her strength
but they cut off her arms.
They raped her
and left her to die in a pool of blood.
And on this ground, miraculously
still wet with her holy blood,
we built our church.
- This is paint!
- No, it's holy blood.
- This is paint!
- lt's holy blood!
Do you hear me, crazy woman? lt's paint!
- lt's blood! lt's blood!
- Feel it! Feel it!
This is paint! lt is paint! This is paint!
- Holy blood! lt's holy blood!
- (Angry shouting)
lt's holy blood!
- lt's paint!
- Holy blood.
l order you to stop...
this foolish sacrilege...immediately.
Never! This is our saint!
The church will never
recognise...this heresy!
Don't dare! Holy blood!
¡Cantemos todos!
Holy blood. Holy blood!
Holy blood! Holy blood!