Goodbye. Goodbye!
l have to go with my grandmother.
Goodbye! We're going to the synagogue.
Hello, little boy. Nice little boy.
Good morning.
l am Robinson Crusoe. (Laughing)
(Doctor) Bye! Enjoy the movie!
And don't worry, we will wait for you.
Come along.
Vengan, vengan.
Come, l have a present for you.
Listen, this kind of stuff
will make you sick.
lf you promise not to tell,
l'll take you somewhere else...
that's much more fun than the movies.
A little sniff of this... (Chuckles)
And we'll see.
Ándele para adentro.
¡De la buena!
Yes, yes.
¡Vamos amigos!
( Mambo)
¿Qué le pasa a Lupita?
No sé
¿Qué le pasa a esa niña?
No sé
¿Qué es lo que quiere?
¿Por qué ella no baila?...
Que dice su mama
Que sí
Que baile Lupita
Sí sí
Mambo, mambo, mambo, mambo...