Say Anything...

I called Mom and Dad,
and it's like they were there.

-I hope you understand.
-Hey. Bad throat, huh, J-man?

He's not at full "Yeah! " strength.
Poor little man.
Why do you eat that stuff?
There's no food in your food.

-Too loud. The red line has a purpose.
-How do you know how to draw it?

It's loud enough,
and the neighbors don't complain.

Good thing there's not
a red line on you. Yeah!

-He's back!

My brother, can I borrow
your Hey, Soul Classics?

My brother, you gotta go buy your own.
-Hook it off the jab.
-Can't you be an uncle, not a playmate?

-Jesus Christ.

Get in a good mood. How hard is it
to decide to be in a good mood. . .

-. . .and then be in a good mood?
-Gee, it's easy.

I'm sorry Mom and Dad
made you take me in.

If it's a big deal, I'll go.
But you used to be fun.

You were warped, twisted
and hilarious.

I mean it as a compliment.
I mean, I'm sorry. . .
. . .that T-l-M left you.
But I am not T-l-M.
I was hilarious once, wasn't l?
I still am.
-You gotta teach me stick shift.

Come here a minute.
I want to show you something.
