-Look at this one.
-Did you--?
So, what did they write
to Diane Court?
Listen to some of the things
they wrote me.
"Glad I finally met you.
You always seemed nice. "
"Wish I'd known you more. "
Mine says stuff like,
"Lloyd, see you around, maybe. "
-Nobody knew me before.
-They knew of you. Now they know you.
I feel like I fit in for
the first time, you know?
Like I just held them far away
from me, so they did the same to me.
That's cool then.
I'm so glad we did this.
We can walk from here.
-It's just you and your dad?
-Long story.
-You don't wanna hear it.
-Sure, I do.
Well, my parents split up
when I was 1 3 and--
God, I actually had to go to court
and choose between the two of them.
So I chose my dad. Just felt
safer that way, you know?
Watch out for that glass.
-But either way it's still--
You know what? You're a great date.
I've never gone out
with someone so basic.
-What's your job this summer?
-Being a great date.
-No, I'm serious.
-So am l.
I wanna see you as much as I can.
I said it!