Say Anything...

-Better get downstairs, huh?
-I'll change.

Great meal, you two.
-You look beautiful, Diane.
-Thank you.

Same features. See what
a few millimeters can do?

-What airline are you flying?
-A charter.

She's not the greatest flyer.
-When she was 8--

-Now, why can't I tell the story?
-What story?

-If you're gonna tell it, let me.
-Well, let me start.

I decide to take her
on her first airplane.

I knew how planes flew
but I was nervous.

Crash paranoia.
I had a list. If babies were on
the plane, it couldn't crash.

But their crying meant
they knew something.

They closed the doors and she screams,
like nobody I'd ever heard.

-You said, "Turn around. "
-They did.

-Let me finish.

So two federal marshals
meet the plane.

They take our address and ask us
never to fly the friendly skies again.

You never flew?
But there's more!
There was somebody on the plane. . .
. . .who worked in a recording studio.
He's making a sound effects record,
and he wants to record her scream.

Which they did. And once
in a while on a commercial. . .

. . .you can hear me scream.
You two are amazing. You know?
The way you-- The way you talk.
I'm just like that--
I'm not like that with anybody.
