. . .or process anything
sold or bought. . .
. . .or repair anything sold,
bought or processed.
My father's in the Army.
He wants me to join, but I can't
work for that corporation.
So lately I've been kickboxing.
Which is a new sport,
but I think it's got a good future.
As far as career longevity,
you can't really tell.
Eight and six as a fighter is no good.
But I can't tell if I'm great
until I've had pro fights.
I haven't been knocked down.
I can't figure it all out,
so I'm gonna hang with Diane.
-Mr. James Court?
-Can I help you?
I'm Mr. Sims. This is Mr. Talbot.
We're special agents of the IRS.
We'd like to inform you that you're
under criminal investigation. . .
. . .for the tax years
1 982 through 1 986.
Jesus. What, I live in
a palace, right?
I have guests here.
-Understand the following--
-Speak with my lawyer.
You won't answer questions?
Just come down to my office.
I have guests.
We will be contacting a number
of your business associates. . .
-This evening is over.
-. . .and your former wife.
Mom, please.
I do have a history with this man,
and it's not the greatest.
I see you so seldom.
I'd rather hear about you.
This is me telling you about me.
I don't know if you have a boyfriend.