meaning you're
a sentimental individual.
Who does that
with somebody they know?
Once you know them,
who gives a shit?
How you doing, Chief?
working hard
or hardly working?
Little of both.
How you doing?
Was anybody else here?
Maybe the mailman
in the afternoon.
I don't remember.
There's a cable TV repairman.
What's that, Cabletime?
But he was down
in the basement.
Pretty much what I
told you yesterday.
What about ladies?
See any young ladies?
See any of them?
You told me
there was a sex parade.
If I'm looking to see somebody
in particular,
I'll see them.
But if I'm hailing a cab...
or in the package room...
Ok. We'll talk again.
So the emcee says
to the first husband,
"Where did your wife say...
"was the most exotic place
you ever made love?"
So this guy's thinking,
He's got a brain
like a frigging pea,
but he's thinking.
Finally he says,
"In the butt. "
You get it?
Hey, anybody do any work...
over at 365
West End Avenue Monday?
I did.
See anybody there
not looking right?
You know...
freaked out, scared?
Running like lost?
I saw some ladies
in the laundry room.
Why? What happened?
There was a shooting.
If you remember,
want to give me a call?
Yeah, sure.
Thank you.