Come on,
I'm giving a toast here.
Tommy Squibb,
detective third grade.
All right, George.
Where do you learn that?
That's like
watching a movie.
Yeah, well,
it keeps me fit.
I get in a beef
with a guy,
I hit him fast,
I'm out of there.
I don't like getting hurt.
God gave fat guys guns
to handle that.
Frank Keller?
Sherman Touhey
from the 112.
Forest Hills?
I heard you caught
a good one...
Taxpayer, back of the head?
Me, too,
on Yellowstone Boulevard.
No shit?
The bullet's no use...
Pancaked on the bed frame.
We got cigarette butts
with lipstick on them.
We didn't get any butts.
Any prints?
Yeah, nothing showed up
on the files, though.
Let's compare tomorrow.
Uh, Dewars, double Dewars
on the rocks.
You know something?
You talk lipstick,
I think my guy
got done by a broad.
Oh, yeah?
How's that?
We're talking
four-star ladies here.
Hey, you play, you pay.
Am I right?
My wedding night,
I wake up,
My wife's got the tattoo needle,
the eyeshades.
I got "property of"
on my balls.
Only kidding,
but catch my drift?
This guy, I found letters
from singles magazines...
he placed an ad in.
He didn't open
any envelopes.
You find any records there?
What do you mean,
like files?
Records, like old records, 45s.
One was playing
on the turntable.
Sea of Love.
Remember that one?
Sea of Love. Jesus.