Sea of Love

Good afternoon.
I'm Detective
Frank Keller.

This is Detective
Sherman Touhey.

Does Raymond Brown
live here?

They're cops.
What's up, fellas?
What's the matter?
Daddy, are you ok?
I want to tell
you something.

I love my family.
Raymond, no kidding,
we don't give a shit.

We need names
of your dates...

and their letters.
No letters.
Raymond, there's some
psycho woman killing guys.

I swear I didn't
go out with them.

I threw the letters away.
Raymond, you take the time...
to make up
this beautiful poem...

about loneliness
and silence.

You spring $300...
to put the ad
in the magazine.

You spring another,
say, 5 yards a month...

for some love nest
in the village,

50 bucks for
the post office box.

You're telling us...
you never
went out with them?

Raymond, please.
The worst part
of being a cop...

is all you hear
from people are lies.

"I didn't do it.
I wasn't there.

It's somebody else. "
Blah this. Blah that.
I swear on the eyes
of my children.

30 sit-downs,
30 sets of prints,

Miss Wrong, we got her.
Upstairs gives us 300
for the magazine ad,

we spring for a few vinos,
maybe a chef's salad,
bag the wine glasses,
it's over.

What? Come on.
"What? Come on"?
Suppose I get my own money,
buy the ad myself,

we drop her, you pay me back
like it's a bet?

Suppose I set you up
with my sister-in-law?

She got great tits.
Divorced, no kids, no cats.
