I'm two blocks away.
We're sleeping together?
I'm going to see
this Helen later.
I got this hotel suite.
An ex-partner
is security chief,
so he owes me.
It'll be a nice surprise.
I'm asking her
to move in with me.
You just met her.
I feel like
a fucking teenager.
The guy says to me,
"Frank, retire. "
I said...
"To what?"
There's nothing
out there...
after this.
Could you get
the waiter, please?
Is there a waiter
in this place?
So, what's this
important thing...
you wanted to ask me?
What? Oh.
Maybe you should
slow it down, huh?
Maybe the menu should come
sometime this century.
What's the big question
you wanted to ask?
I don't know.
Waiter. Waiter.
I feel like I got...
the London Philharmonic
up my ass.
Let's go. Come on.
We just got here.
I know. Let's get out of here.
Bad choice.
Not my favorite place.