Sea of Love

I love this neighborhood.
I figure the worst
that could happen...

is I'd trip over
a Perrier bottle.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Could get worse, you know.
Nicely nice,
this neighborhood, huh?

Hold it.
Last year alone,
we had three murders
right in this block.

See that garage?
One in there.

That building? Second floor.
One in there.

Two months later, third floor.
One in there.

This town's
one big city of the dead...

for you, huh?
What do you say that for?
I love life.
I'm just trying to...
share with them.

When you live
with a cop...

tell you this.
There are certain things,
you know, a cop's eyes.

What we see.
There's you, what you see,

which is like nothing, and...
our eyes, our life,
what we see.

If you live with a cop...
You said if you live
with a cop.

You mean if I live
with a cop. Me.

Have you thought about this?
I have a kid.
It's a whole family.
You get that, right?
I want to ask you something.
The singles magazine.
I don't know, you know?
I mean the dates.

How can you do that shit?
I mean, you know,
go out with guys like that.
How can you do that?
You do it. Did you forget
how we met, Frank?

What's that mean?
I was on a job.

I was wearing a wire.
We were going
to drop somebody.

I'd never do that for real.
The part about the wire.
You want to
run that by me again?

Let me just tell you...
