- Step up.
- Fuck you!
We're going down.
Why try to pass for someone with
20/20 vision when you're blind as a bat?
- I don't feel I have to pass.
- Yes, you do.
It's a sickness in your brain,
just like trying to pass for white.
I'm not white?
- Sit down.
- This is a scandal!
What do you mean, I'm not white?
Why didn't you tell me this before?
- My own sister!
- Sit down.
Goodness gracious!
A lot of adjustments have to be made.
I have to cancel the swimming lessons.
What will the guys at the club say?
I'm not white!
It feels like it.
Goodness gracious, you're right!
- Lord, help me.
- Does Dad know?
$20 across-the-board on Centipede.
Thank you very much. Just a minute.
You said that was all.
- I know, but I want my $50.
- You already owe that bookie!
- I don't want a lecture, give me my money.
- This is the last $50 to your name.
- I know, but $50, please.
- Three minutes to post time.
And $50 to win on Centipede.
Come on Centipede. You can do it.
Come on, you bitch!
- Who won?
- It wasn't Centipede.
Shit! Damn!
You shouldn't have quit your job.