See No Evil, Hear No Evil

With luck,
we'll have you out of here by 5:00.

We're pushing the blind and deaf angle.
We hope you don't mind.

No, we don't mind. Use it.
We'll see you both very soon.
Excuse me, miss, have we met before?
No, I don't think so.
Are you wearing Shalimar perfume?
Yes, I am.
You have a remarkable nose.
- Thank you.
- Good-bye.

I never knew anyone so beautiful.
The lady's got style. Muy peligrosa.
I'd love to go to sleep listening
to a voice like that.

Oh, my God.
- The legs.
- Yes, I can imagine.

- The legs!
- The legs, of course.

- It's her!
- The killer?

Captain, the lady in my shop
that I was talking about. That's her!

- That woman is your lawyer?
- She's not my lawyer.

Now she's not your lawyer!
That makes a lot of sense.

She's not my lawyer!
That's the lady you want!

How come you couldn't
describe her before?

Because I only saw her from the rear.
When she went around just now
and I saw her tush, I knew it was her.

That's the lady you want! Stop her!
Stop that lady!

With a little luck,
we'll have them to ourselves by 5:00.

- They seem nice.
- So was the chicken I ate last night.

Now, either the police get us for murder,
or we get bailed out by the killer.

At least my way we have a chance.
- Are you with me?
- All right, guys, let's go.

- Yes or no?
- Yes.

Come on, move these guys.
Let's move them!

Come on, let's go. We got to go. Sorry.
I bet these guys are going to
enjoy themselves on Riker's Island.
