That's a hell of a place to park.
- She checked into room 18.
- Where's that?
Over here.
Let me have that.
This is the police.
You are surrounded.
All right, you jokers. You got ten seconds
to come out with your hands up.
Ten, nine...
...eight, seven...
She said she was 18.
...four, three...
- The county's really cracking down.
...two, one.
All right, let's go!
- Goddamn them.
- Take it easy, captain. We'll find them.
Search the entire area.
They must be around here someplace.
For chrissakes, how far could they get?
An all cars alert!
Damn those guys.
I'm going to get them.
Dave, this is my sister, Adele.
Adele, this is my dear friend, David Lyons.