- Consider yourselves my prisoners.
- Prisoners?
We're already prisoners here
on this worthless lump of rock.
- What value could we be to you?
- Nimbus Ill is a worthless lump of rock.
But it is the only place in the galaxy
that has the three of you.
Our governments will stop at nothing
to ensure our safety.
That's exactly what I'm counting on.
USS Enterprise,
shakedown cruise report.
I think this new ship
was put togetherbymonkeys.
Halfthe doors won't open, and guess
whosejob itis to make itright?
Borgus frat!
"Let's see what she's got, Scotty."
We found out, didn't we?
- I know you'll whip her into shape.
- Uhura, I thought you were on leave.
- I thought we were going together.
- I can't leave her when she needs me.
I had a feeling you would
say something like that.
So I brought us dinner.
You're the most understanding woman
I know.
Red alert.
I just fixed that damn thing!
Turn it off, will you?
Red alert.
This is a red alert.
Enterprise, acknowledge.