That's Kirk's ship!
Ifl could defeatKirk...
You would be the greatest warrior
in the galaxy.
Maximum speed! Success!
Captain's log: Stardate 84...
- Good morning, Captain.
- Forget it.
- We have the hostage information.
- Put it on the screen.
This is an authorised transmission
from the Starfleetmemorybank.
- Not General Korrd!
- He's apparently fallen from favour.
Korrd's military strategies
were required learning at the Academy.
When they put me out to pasture,
I hope I fair better than Korrd.
This must be the hostage tape.
A short time ago, we surrendered
to the Galactic Army ofLight.
We are now in the protective custody
oftheir leader.
We will be treated humanely
as long as we cooperate.
He requests thatyou send a starship
to parley for our release at once.
We are in good health and would
appreciate your immediate response.
I regret this desperate act,
but these are desperate times.
I mean no harm to these innocents,
but do notputme to the test.
I implore you to respond immediately.