Star Trek V: The Final Frontier

- Spock?.
- Coming, Captain.

- Approaching Nimbus Ill.
- Standard orbit, Mr Sulu.

Paradise City is demanding
to know our intentions.

Respond with static.
Let them think we're having difficulty.

Paradise City, we are barely
receiving your transmission.

- Transporter room, status.
- Transporter is still inoperative.

If we could lock on to the hostages,
we couldn't beam them up.

- We'll have to get them out ourselves.
- Klingon vessel approaching.

Bird of Prey.
1 .9 hours till her weapons are in range.

Damn! Let's go.
Their scanning equipment
is primitive, but effective.

- Land at co-ordinate 856.3.
- That's far from the city.

- We cannot risk detection.
- Mr Sulu, execute.

- This is the starship Enterprise.
- A Federation starship.

This is Captain Pavel Chekov.
You are in violation ofour treaty.

Release your hostages at once
orsuffer the consequences.

Your threats amuse me.
What consequences?
