No...l will not.
You know I'm right.
Then you must join them.
- These two will be useful.
- Give us a moment alone.
Don't be afraid.
Goddamn it, Spock.
You betrayed us all.
I do not expect you to forgive me.
- I ought to knock you on your ass.
- If you think it would help.
- You want me to hold him?
- Stay out of this... Why?.
- All you had to do was pull the trigger.
- Then Sybok would be dead.
- I ordered you to defend your ship.
- And kill my brother.
- A fellow Vulcan is not a...
- Sybok also is a son of Sarek.
He's your brother brother?.
You made that up.
- I did not.
- You don't have a brother.
- Technically I don't have a brother.
- See?
- I have a half-brother.
- I've got to sit down.
You and Sybok have the same father
but different mothers?