And they believed in a place where
these questions would be answered.
Modern dogma tells us
this place is a myth.
A fantasy concocted by pagans.
Itis no fantasy.
I tell you...it exists.
My brothers, we have been chosen
to undertake
the greatest adventure of all time.
The discovery of Sha Ka Ree.
Is it possible he's found Sha Ka Ree,
the reason he left Vulcan?
Our destination
is the planet Sha Ka Ree.
It lies beyond the Great Barrier...
..at the centre ofthe galaxy.
- The centre of the galaxy?.
- Where it is fabled to exist.
The centre of the galaxy
can't be reached by any ship.
Sybok possessed the keenest intellect
I've ever known.
When I get the ship back,
and Sybok is in here,
you can debate Sha Ka Ree
until you're green in the face.
You're either with me or you're not.
- I am here, Captain.
- That's a little vague, Spock.
What's that noise?
It's a primitive form of communication
known as Morse Code.
You're right. I'm out of practice.
That's an S.
- T...
- A...
N... D... End of word.
- Stand.
- New word.
B... A...
C... K...