Steel Magnolias

:09:01 this town.
Because l have a strict philosophy
that l have stuck to for 1 5 years.

There is no such thing
as natural beauty.

''There is no such thing
as natural beauty.''

You remember that,
or we're all out of a job.

Just look at me. lt takes
some effort to look like this.

l can see that.
So how long have you been in town?
A few weeks.
New in town.
lt must be exciting
being in a new place.

l wouldn't know.
l've lived here all my life.

Well, tell me things about yourself.
There's nothing to tell.
l live here. l've got a job now.
That's it.

How about a few of these issues
of Southern Hair?.

Sure, take them.
lt is essential to stay abreast
of the latest styles.

And l'm glad to see your interest.
You must live close by. At least in
walking distance. l didn't see a car.

l don't have a car.
l been staying across the river
at Robeline's boarding house.

That's quite a walk.
Ruth Robeline.
Now, there is a story for you.
She is a troubled, twisted soul.
Her whole life has been
an experiment in terror.

Her husband got killed
in World War ll.

Then her son got killed in Vietnam.
When it comes to suffering, she is
right up there with Elizabeth Taylor.

l had no idea.
-Good morning. Good morning!

l'd like to introduce you to
the former first lady of Chinquapin...

-...Miss Belcher.
-l'd like you to meet Annelle.

l'm a little embarrassed.
l'm windblown.

l've just been to the dedication
of the children's park.

How did that go?
Janice van Meter got hit
with a baseball. lt was fabulous.

Was she hurt?
