Steel Magnolias

lt's okay now. We worked it all out.
lt's probably just one of those
last-minute jitter things.

No, but the wedding's still on.
Well, thank goodness.
Because this is going
in the Hairdo Hall of Fame.

Shelby, you scared us. That wasn't
a nice thing to do to your mama.

Never say that to a woman who's
marinating 50 pounds of crab claws.

But the making up can be so romantic.
l miss romance so much.
Truvy, it can't be that bad.
Oh, really, now?
The last romantic thing my husband
did for me was back in 1 972.

He enclosed this carport
so l could support him.

l think l have something
that could cheer you up.

Drum and l plan to talk to your husband
about adding on to our house.

M'Lynn, are you serious?
lf you give Spud a job,
l'll give you hot oil treatments...

...for the rest of your life!
Annelle, this looks pretty good.
l think you know what you're doing.

Thank you.
Mrs. Eatenton, you have great hair.
-Your scalp's as clean as a whistle.
-l try.

lt must run in the family.
This young'un's got the prettiest hair
l've ever had my hands in. So thick.

Just because l'm bragging on you
don't mean you can get lazy on me.

Stop it.
Shelby! M'Lynn!
l'll get some juice.
There's some candy in my purse.
l have some right here.
Shelby. Shelby.
Hold on. Clairee's
getting you some juice.

-Should l get her a cookie?

Juice is better.
Here's the juice.
You need some juice.
You need some juice.

-Stop it, Mama.
-Drink the juice.

-Please drink the juice.

Stop it! l have
some candy in my purse.

You didn't bring your purse.
You didn't bring your purse.
No, you didn't.
