Steel Magnolias

l think it would help things a lot.
l see.
You worry too much.
l never worry, because l always know
you're worried enough for both of us.

Jackson and l gave this
a lot of thought.

-There's a first time for everything.
-Don't start on Jackson.

Your body has been through so much.
Why would you do this to yourself?

-Diabetics have healthy babies.
-You are special, Shelby.

There are limits to what you can do.
l am going to be...
...very, very careful.
Nobody's gonna be hurt
or disappointed...

...or even inconvenienced.
Least of all Jackson, l'm sure.
You're jealous.
You no longer have
a say-so in what l do...

...and that drives you up the wall.
You're ready to spit nails
because you can't call the shots.

l did not raise my daughter
to talk to me like this.

-Yes, you did.
-No, l didn't.

Whenever we asked what you wanted
for us when we grew up, what'd you say?

l'm not in the mood to play games.
Just tell me what you said.
What did you say?

The only thing l have ever said to you
is that l want you to be happy.
