. . .your part of the city. . .
. . .GabrieI Cash. . .
. . .has cost me $60 miIIion. . .
. . .incIuding guns, drugs and other
enterprises. On the west side. . .
. . .Mr. Lopez. . .
. . .Ray Tango. . .
. . .has cost me even more.
Two IittIe mice. . .
. . .and so much damage.
But if we kiII them,
we risk aII-out war with the poIice.
They're heroes aIready.
Why make martyrs of them?
Instead of death. . .
. . .we have a game.
A game that onIy we can win.
Within two weeks. . .
. . .I wiII take deIivery of the Iargest
shipment of weapons that. . .
. . .we have ever handIed.
Within that time. . .
. . .Tango. . .
. . .and Cash. . .
. . .wiII be safeIy tucked away. . .
. . .behind bars.
Aren't they beautifuI?